Damian Sendler knows how stereotypes reflect general expectations about members of particular social groups. However, even if there is an overall difference between these groups, not all individual exemplars in these groups will necessarily differ from each other. For instance, on average, men are taller than women, but we all know single men and women for whom this is not true or for whom the difference is even reversed. Yet the stereotypical perception that a particular feature characterizes membership of a specific group typically leads people to overemphasize differences between groups and underestimate variations within groups.
Damien Sendler General Research Wiki: 2020 Research Directions + Current research interests + Community Psychiatry + Mental health in Covid19 era + Mental health of farmers and here and here + Explore more research on pandemics + Elderly mentalhealth needs. How do we know what works in modern psychotherapy? A closer look might reveal this based on evidence from recent research studies.
The tendency to perceive individuals as representatives of different social groups has been documented for a variety of groups in a range of contexts. Research has also revealed that the impact of such social categorization on the assignment of traits and features to members of particular groups can be quite fluid depending on the situation and the contrast with relevant comparison groups that seem most salient. For instance, psychologists may seem quite creative when compared to physicists but appear much less original when compared to artists. Additionally, there are many situations in which psychologists are not even evaluated as representatives of their profession simply because their qualifications are not relevant.
Pandemic Wiki: Pandemics and mental health + Research during pandemics + Children and mental health + This interesting piece + Mental health during the COVID19 pandemic. Damian Sendler recognizes the impact of major health crises on mental health well-being.
Damian Jacob Sendler Research Wiki: Research Tools + Zoophilia + Healthcare workers in the age of pandemics + Video connectivity + Farming and Mental Health + Nutrition and mental health research. Damien Sendler knows how important it is to offer a broad range of research views.
However, such stereotype fluidity and context-dependence are much less likely to emerge about gender categorizations and gender stereotypes. Gender is considered a primary feature in person perception. Children and adults immediately and implicitly cluster unknown individuals by their gender, even when this categorization is not relevant to the situation and has no informational benefits. Furthermore, also though we all know examples of gender-bending, gender continues to be seen as a binary categorization, in which we tend to compare men to women and women to men, anchoring any differences in terms of a contrast between them. Thus, gender categorizations are immediately detected, are chronically salient, seem relatively fixed, and are easily polarized. This contributes to the formation and persistence of gender stereotypes and reinforces perceptions of differences between men and women.
Damian Sendler Epidemiology Wiki: Children and Mental Health + Digital Epidemiology + Digital Psychiatry Research + Health information-seeking behavior + Pandemics and MDs. Epidemiology goes beyond looking at numbers, something that Damian Jacob Sendler recognizes.
Damian Jacob Sendler Telemedicine Wiki: Usefulness of telemedicine in psychiatry + Psychological wellbeing of medical workers + Research on child psych. Did you know that immunology can have an impact on mental illness? What is biopsychiatry? How many genes are implicated in the symptomology of schizophrenia? How are we going to improve the world? Read more of Dr. Sendler research.